Saturday, August 7, 2010


A Simple Life. What does that mean? And what does it look like? What examples do we have to glean from?

Over the past two years I have felt a tug from The Lord. Only a year ago did I discover what it was. To strip. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) I've found the desire; no the need to start striping our lives of the clutter, the constant moving or need to be doing something or going somewhere. 

Constant busyness leads to discontent. And this is where I find myself. Ourselves really. I see it in myself when I've had a full week of errands and 'to-do's'. I see in my kids when we've watched too much TV or had constant playmates all week. We just can't find peace with ourselves when the box in my planner says...nothing.

So here's my new mission...simplify. Why? I want to cherish these years with my kids and husband and really live in the moment. Jesus has a plan for our family and I don't want to miss it because I'm busy planning on what I'll do in heaven.

You may like the chaos and really thrive on it and be wondering what the heck I'm talking about with this slowing down stuff. But...I can relate. Two years ago I would have said 'I love being busy!' and 8 years ago I would have said 'I thrive under pressure and love it!' So bear with me. I'm excited see where this leads us.


  1. YEA! I can't believe you did it. I love our little family blog. I love seeing where we've been and where God has taken us over the last few years. I hope you will enjoy yours as well.

  2. I'm looking forward to your blog. We are a pretty simple family and like the slower pace. ;-)
