Thursday, August 19, 2010

No Nuking In My House!

We haven't had a microwave since Oct 2009. I know insane! What first lead me to this info was a blog ( then a documentary called Beautiful Truth (Netflix instant play). It's a bit on the slow side but loads of info! Anyways, they tested a carrot's 'vital energy field' first raw and then cooked in the microwave. You can see this light (vital energy field) shooting out of it in it's raw state and then hardly any light after it's been cooked. Talk about 'dead' food. I looked for a picture but I could only find this...It's a comparison of vital energy fields in an organic Mushroom vs. a commercially grown mushroom (I know.Whoa.) This is what the carrot looked like before and then after the microwave. I'll definitely be doing a post on Organic foods but a picture is louder than words right? Just think about what the average mushroom would look like after a microwave. Scary I know. Why even eat it when it has nothing to give your body?

Moving on....this is from Natural Cures By Kevin Trudeau...Page 395-397 I will take just a few notes.

  • The soviets took over the research that was started in Berlin, and looked very intently at how eating microwaved food affected the body. They found so many physical ailments that seemed to be caused directly from eating microwaved food that the Kremlin (government of the Soviet Union 1922–1991)banned these machines for use. (Yes I know the microwaves of today are different from the beginning)

  • Russian researchers found microwaved food had a decreased nutritional value and a significant diminishing of their "vital energy fields" of up to 90%!

  • Food that is in the microwave, even for just a few seconds, has the B-complex, C, E vitamins virtually destroyed.  These vital nutrients are important for stress reduction and the prevention of cancer and heart disease.

  • Eating microwaved food has been shown to increase high blood pressure, migraines, dizziness, stomach pain, stress, anxiety, hair loss, appendicitis, cataracts, infertility problems, abnormal hormone levels, adrenal exhaustion, heart disease, memory loss, attention disorders, crankiness, depression, and poor sleep. Wow.

  • Eating the molecularity altered food alters your blood chemistry as well. Researchers have shown that if you eat organic vegetables that have been cooked in the microwave, your cholesterol rapidly rises.

  • From Dr. Mercola..."Recent research shows that any food that comes out of a microwave oven suffers severe molecular damage. When eaten it causes abnormal changes in human blood and immune systems."
He gives you an experiment you can do too! Plant seeds in pots and water one with filtered water and one with 'nuked' water and see what happens!! I'm so going to try this. I need to have my mom nuke a bunch of water for me first :) and I'll let you know how it turns out!

So you're sitting back in your chair thinking...'I don't know about all that. It can't be that bad? And it's just so convenient to use. I'm keeping mine. I don't care what this chick says. I grew up with a microwave and I'm fine.' Well I'll say this...'What if. Just what if a small portion of this is true? Could it be possible that we've taken convenience over health? Have we increased the chances of cancer and disease in ourselves? In our kids? I did something about it and now I won't be wondering later on.'


  1. hmmmm... that's a lot to think about.

  2. This is such creepy news. I feel sick.

  3. Rini,

    Can I make a button for your blog and add it to my page on the side? Just let me know! Thanks!!
