Friday, June 24, 2011

Great Pets!

"Chickens are the best pets!"
This quote is from my husband who is NOT an animal person.
That is a BIG deal.

And he's right, they are cool 'pets'.
Chickens eat snails, slugs, ants, and some left overs.
You don't even need to pick up any poop because it's just free fertilizer.
 I also found out 4 chickens can gobble up 4 tomato plants in minutes. Not so good.

We had a big snail problem before the chicks but now it's hard for
Ms. Adventure to find any in the morning to play with. Sad for her but great for the garden.

Chickens are so easy too!

Babies need:
A box to keep them in (we used a 20gal Rubbermaid box for 4 chicks) $12
A heat lamp + bulb (got ours at Walmart) $12
Chick waterer $4
Chick feeder $4
Chick food $30 for 50lbs

We use Organic food.
It's so gross to me that the minute those sweet chicks are born
 they are given a food with hormones and antibiotics.

If that is not a gross factor for you food is much cheaper.

Just today I mixed some oats, lentils, and split peas in their food.
(chopped a bit in my magic bullet)
They seem to like it and I really want them to eat more compost food
so I've been trying that too. I think you have to train domestic
chickens to eat left overs. Mine only eat real food when they are really hungry. 

Once they are about 6weeks old and/or have their real feathers
they can be moved outside. (at least 60* at night)

Outside Chicks need:
A Coop $40
Feeder and Waterer off the ground $8 each
A dowel they can roost on $5
Nesting boxes for laying $10 each or make your own
Chicks will start laying around 20-24 weeks

Door on the right will be where we put our nesting boxes
for easy egg collecting.

And that's it! We let ours roam the backyard from 8am-8pm.
Then they get locked up for the night.

We love having chickens! They are so fun to watch.
The kids love them and their
eggs will be nice too {Grin}

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Herb of the Day

Herb: Fenugreek
Part used: Seeds
Primary Nutrients: Choline, Iron, Lecithin, Minerals, Protein, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and D

Now on to the cool stuff....

It was first used in Asia for inflamed bowels and stomach problems because of it's bowel-lubricating abilities.
The Greeks used it for respiratory problems.
Is able to dissolve hardened masses of accumulated mucus in the body!!
Helps rid the lungs of mucus and phlegm in the bronchial tubes.
Combined with honey and lemon juice can help soothe the throat and reduce fever.
Helps expel waste through the lymphatic system!!
Contains antiseptic properties that help kill infections in the lungs.
Contains choline and liptropic which aids in lowing cholesterol.
Reduces mucus in cases of asthma, sinus and bronchial congestion!!
Can be used as a poultice on wounds, inflammations, boils, and skin ailments!!

Isn't that so neat!! 

Primary Applications are....
Allergies                              Loss of Appetite
Catarrh, Bronchial               High Cholesterol
Diabetic Retinopathy           Gas
Gastric Disorders                Lung Infections
Excessive Mucus                Sore Throat

Secondary Applications are...
Abscesses                          Anemia
Asthma                               Boils
Body Odor                         Bronchitis
Cancer                               Swollen Eyes 
Fevers                                Gallbladder Problems
Heartburn                           Inflammation
Sinus Problems                   Ulcers
Uterine Problems                Water Retention

Now if that doesn't excite you I'm not sure what will!! lol Just kidding of course...

Anyways we used this for my son because you could hear the mucus build up in his lungs and chest and the doctor wanted to treat him 'like' bronchitis. For an adult you could probably drink 3 cups of tea a day. For a child I would do a 1/3 cup of tea 3x a day. I just brewed one cup in the morning and had him sip it through out the day. It took all day but I was happy with that from my picky little guy : )

Information taken from Today's Herbal Health By Louise Tenny MH
and Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child By Numerous Authors


Little Astronaut was sick from onset to today 12 days! Ugh glad it's over but we learned so much in that time. This was his list of supplements...

Fenugreek Tea (once a day)
Echinacea (2-7x a day)
Golden Seal (2-7x a day)
Vitamin C (3x a day)
Euctalyptus (chest rub, neck, foot rub)
A Zinc chew (2x a day) 
Garlic (3x a day)
And as many fluids as possible

Needless to say I'm tired but thankful. The last couple days he had only a dry cough and an on and off fever. So I was thinking we may have been fighting a bacterial infection after all...but! Low and behold yesterday he said his ear hurt. I never thought I would have been happy about an ear infection but I was! It meant he was successful in fighting his first thing  and on to something else. That issue should be gone by tomorrow and this brings me to my next few Herb of the Day series! Aren't you so excited!? I think Fenugreek may be first...only because it's kind of fun to say. {Grin}

Thursday, June 2, 2011

In His hands...

Food heals. That's what I tell people. That's what I believe.

But when my son starts struggling to breath we turn to the Lord and thank him that I saved the inhaler for emergencies.

Little Astronaut was struggling to breath Tuesday morning. Then that afternoon...and then again that night. When he gets sick we have to watch him because he has gotten croup a few times. The humidifier has really helped us avoid medical intervention. But this time it was within minutes he was not able to speak between breaths. Scary. I pray. We used his emergency inhaler and 3 hours later it happened again. I pray. And a wonderful friend of mine flew to my house with her nebulizer and saved me a trip to the ER. We had to use it again that night.

God can heal us right? I know it. He says it. I believe it. 

The next day he's so much better. We take him to our doctor and she says...Hmmm...there's definitely something going on in there (listening to his breathing you could hear the mucus). We'll treat it as bronchitis. It's probably viral but I'll prescribe you antibiotics. (I'm thinking...yeah right) I ask if there's a way to test if it is bacterial so I know if he needs antibiotics and she says no. She obviously knows me (and other mom's like me) and says with a smile I can wait 48 hours before I give it to him. She prescribes a nebulizer, Albuterol and a steroid. She gives him a breathing treatment there (Albuterol) because his oxygen level was low. 

So we leave and I head to our local health store. I'd been reading about Fenugreek; an herb that dissolves mucus, so I get that. I'd also been reading about Ginger; an herb that increases circulation and get that. We go home and there I am...

Food heals. That's what I tell people. That's what I believe.

Do I believe it enough for my son?

This is not a cold, the flu, chicken pox...this is serious.

I call a mom that has become a mentor to me and I surprise myself and breakdown on the phone with her. She prays. I feel peace. I call my husband. I walk into the kitchen and mix Simply Oj with Echinacia and a cup of Fenugreek tea...I give it to my sweet boy and I pray. I pray some more. I pick up our nebulizer and Albuterol for emergencies and wait.

Today is Thursday and Little Astronaut is doing wonderfully.

Thank you LB. Thank you TE. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you dear friends whom I can reach out to and you pray.

What I've learned from this...
I am not in control. No matter how much I know and read; I'm not The Healer. 

The minute that Little Astronaut gets congested we will start treatment immediately with herbs and vitamins. And I will not be afraid to use our emergency medical supplies.   

**I'm not telling you what to do with your kids medically or herbally. I just wanted to share what the Lord was reminding me... He's got the itty bitty children in his hands {Grin}**