"Chickens are the best pets!"
This quote is from my husband who is NOT an animal person.
That is a BIG deal.
And he's right, they are cool 'pets'.
Chickens eat snails, slugs, ants, and some left overs.
You don't even need to pick up any poop because it's just free fertilizer.
I also found out 4 chickens can gobble up 4 tomato plants in minutes. Not so good.
We had a big snail problem before the chicks but now it's hard for
Ms. Adventure to find any in the morning to play with. Sad for her but great for the garden.
Chickens are so easy too!
Babies need:
A box to keep them in (we used a 20gal Rubbermaid box for 4 chicks) $12
A heat lamp + bulb (got ours at Walmart) $12
Chick waterer $4
Chick feeder $4
Chick food $30 for 50lbs
We use Organic food.
It's so gross to me that the minute those sweet chicks are born
they are given a food with hormones and antibiotics.
If that is not a gross factor for you food is much cheaper.
Just today I mixed some oats, lentils, and split peas in their food.
(chopped a bit in my magic bullet)
They seem to like it and I really want them to eat more compost food
so I've been trying that too. I think you have to train domestic
chickens to eat left overs. Mine only eat real food when they are really hungry.
Once they are about 6weeks old and/or have their real feathers
they can be moved outside. (at least 60* at night)
Outside Chicks need:
A Coop $40
Feeder and Waterer off the ground $8 each
A dowel they can roost on $5
Nesting boxes for laying $10 each or make your own
Chicks will start laying around 20-24 weeks
And that's it! We let ours roam the backyard from 8am-8pm.
Then they get locked up for the night.
We love having chickens! They are so fun to watch.
The kids love them and their
eggs will be nice too {Grin}