Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No Shampoo

A while ago I decided to stop washing my hair so often so my natural oils could do what they were made to do...create healthy hair. I washed every other day so I started to wash every 3 days. After a while I pushed it to every 4, then every 5, then every 6....so now I'm up to every Friday I wash my hair. Then I watched the video I posted yesterday. After such a wake up call I've been washing my hair with this...

That's right! Two things you already have in your kitchen. This is not only more natural and better for your hair, it's better for the environment. No I'm not a 'tree hugger' but it makes sense right? You wash your hair and body in chemicals...it goes down the drain and eventually makes it's way back into your water supply and now you're drinking chemicals. Oh and this is super CHEAP! Maybe I'll get some of you with just that. {Grin} Anyways this is how you can do it too...

Step 1 Don't wash your hair everyday. Work yourself up to an extra day until your not a grease ball anymore and then add another day and another day and another day and so forth. My goal is to work up to every two weeks and then maybe once a month. Note: I do rinse my hair every few days with just water. Really work your scalp with your fingers and pull all that natural oil down your hair. And during this stretching time...Don't touch your hair! You'll add the oils from your hands to your hair.

Step 2 Toss your shampoo. Buy an 8oz squirt bottle (I got mine at a beauty supply store for a buck or two). Use 1 TBS Baking Soda and add 1 cup of warm water. Shake and work into your hair. Use your fingers to work it into your roots. I usually let this sit for a few minutes. Rinse. Then mix 1TBS Apple Cider Vinegar in 1 cup warm water. Shake and work into your hair. Let sit a few minutes then rinse well. No you will not smell like Vinegar. Just make sure you rinse well.

I've been using this on myself and Miss Adventure for three weeks and I'm really happy with it. The hubby says the baking soda/vinegar wash makes my hair the softest it's ever been. I haven't used anything but water on Little Astronaut and his hair is not greasy or stinky! That's a big deal for a four year old boy! Goes to show ya that hair was not made to be striped everyday and your body will do it's job if you let it.

More to come on the soap, deodorant, and lotion...

1 comment:

  1. I've often contemplated switching shampoo out for something natural. Right now I wash my hair twice a week. (I kind of thought I was a freak for doing that) But I just don't see the sense in washing it everyday. This is a very encouraging post for me!

    Can't wait for your post on deodorant! About a year ago I realized that women's deodorant had horrible things in it! I couldn't believe that there is only ONE brand at the store without aluminum! That doesn't give me very many options... and so I have to buy the super expensive Toms deodorant now.
