There's a new wave in testing people for a so-called "body burden" of industrial chemicals in their blood stream. The results should shock you. A family with two young children in Oakland, CA were invited by reporters to participate in a cutting-edge study to measure industrial chemicals in their bodies.
The parents were horrified to find that their children - a boy, then 18 months, and a five-year old girl - had chemical exposure levels up to seven times those of their parents. The baby boy had three times the level of flame retardants in his body that's been known to cause thyroid dysfunction in lab rats.
The following chemicals are in YOUR lets take a look...
This is a big one! Chemicals that make plastics soft and pliable. They're found in all kinds of plastic bottles, as well as plastic containers, kitchen wrap, soft toys and medical devices. Phthalates are also used as solvents for fragrances, so they're in a lot of personal care products like shampoos, conditioners, lotions, perfume, nail polish and cosmetics. Animal studies show that phthalates disrupt hormone levels, causing neurological dhysfunction and reproductive defects in lab rats. Preliminary studies on humans show that phthalate exposure may be associated with genital birth defects in males as well as male infertility.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs):
Flame-retardant chemicals. They're found in foam products such as mattresses, couches and carpets. In plastics such as casings for TVs, computers and other electronics. In building materials, motor vehicles, airplanes, and textiles. Animal studies show PBDEs cause liver, thyroid and neurological damage in lab rats. Health experts worry most about PBDEs potential harm to fetuses and children under 6, but studies on human toxicity have only just begun.
Bisphenol A (BPA):
This is a big too! A chemical used to make plastics hard. It's in polycarbonate plastic products such as baby bottles, hard water bottles and food containers, as well as in the resin lining of aluminum cans and some dental sealants. A study published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology found a link between bisphenoal A and female reproductive disorders such as cystic ovaries and cancers. In August, an expert panel from the National Institutes of Health expressed concern that bisphenol A may harm children and adults and recommended more research be done.
Perfluorooctanoic acids (PFOAs):
Chemicals used to make nonstick and stain-resistant products such as nonstick frying pans <-We use this all the time right?! and water-resistant materials. PFOAs have been shown to cause developmental problems and liver toxicity in lab rats. Animal studies have caused concern among health experts about PFOAs' toxicity to humans since they stay in the body for years at a time between exposures. Some studies have suggested that PFOAs are human carcinogens. A CARCINOGEN is any substance, radionuclide or radiation, that is an agent directly involved in causing CANCER.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs):
Chemicals used as coolants and lubricants in transformers, capacitors and other electrical equipment as well as older models of microwaves and refrigerators. It is found in plasticizers in paints and cements, adhesives, wood floor finishes, de-dusting agents, water-proofing compounds, and surgical implants. They were banned in the US in the late 1970s, but they are long-lasting compounds that persist in the environment. The EPA calls PCBs a "probable carcinogen," meaning they probably cause cancer. PCBs have been associated with immunological and psychosocial problems in children, such as changes in motor skills and a decrease in short-term memory. In adults, PCBs have been associated with rashes, acne and liver damage.
So after all that....We use glass in the kitchen. I bought some Pyrex at Walmart and some mason jars. Britney at did a post about using certain plastics so I will just copy and paste it after this post because it's so great.
We also replaced our cookware with Todd English's Green Pan. It does not contain PFOA. You can find it at
But I bought my set on EBAY for a lot cheaper. The pots are fantastic but the pans are hard to keep looking new. I'm thinking I'm going to buy a large cast iron skillet instead but keep the pots.
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