This is the problem...The Lord has planted a couple seeds in my heart. He has given me a couple visions in my mind. He has gifted me a couple desires in my soul. The problem is...He has told me to wait.
While lying in bed tonight I was reminded of my childish behavior and my need of repentance. 'But you didn't really do what you wanted to do' some of you may be thinking. But I did. My childish attitude was in my heart. It was in my mind. It was in my soul. And it was ugly. I asked the Lord to forgive me which he graciously did ya know {Grin}. He listened to my frustrations and he granted me comfort.
He reminded me of faithful Noah who built an ark for 120 years for a flood that was unimaginable since there had never been rain and no great sea was near to cause a flood. He reminded me of patient Abram who was to be a father of a great nation yet did not receive his first child until he was Abraham and 100 years old. *sigh* Thank you Jesus for your comfort.
I believe I will sleep in peace tonight as I have realized my rightful place in the Father's Hands.
"And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise." Hebrews 6:15