Schooooooooools out for summer! Don't lie you know the song popped right into your head when you read that {smile}. I hear so many parents at the end of summer say, 'I can't wait til school is back in! My kids are driving me crazy!'. I hear ya! But! I believe the key to a joy and peace filled summer is...A Plan. I think a lot of parents just figure their kids want to veg out all summer. Trust me I'm sure they will last about a week or two but then they need stimulation! And I don't mean TV, video games or even playdates. If your children are in a private, public school, or educated at home they are used to schedules and constant transitions. Being at home without these can make them unmanageable, cranky, and racing away from home to friend's houses.
Take the summer to reconnect with your children. They have just the spent the majority of 9 months away from their home base. We are striving to win our children's hearts to the Lord but first we must win their hearts to ours. Don't push them out of your home and schedule five days a week away from their respite place. Read this article about being the '
Door Opener' and start winning your children's hearts!
This is my plan...
Most nights I jot down a plan for the next day. For example the first day of our summer I wanted to get some cleaning done but of course I need to remember my children come first so this was my plan that day...
Bible with children
Clean bathrooms (they help with this- cleaning baseboards and cabinets)
Play shoots and ladders
Stamps with the children
Wash dishes
3-D Pirate book and 3D Dino Book
Of course this includes Quiet Time, lunch, and snacks so this was a full day for me but the children were happy all day because they were not pushed aside or forgotten.
Here's our Summer Adventure List:
Trip to the doughnut shop
Trip to the cookie shop
Trip to the ice cream shop
Local Zoo
Visit Spray Parks
Make Smores
Visit Barnes and Noble- they love to browse the kids area
Make peanut butter balls
Make homemade paint
Out of town Zoo
Craft Mondays
Build Fort
Feed the ducks
Visit Insect Lore
Ride Bus
Ride the train
Summer $1 Movies
Beach Trip
Make a Bible Trivia Game
I'm sure we will add a few more here and there. We hardly visit the doughnut, cookie, and ice cream shop because we usually make these at home so it's a big deal for my children when we do visit them {smile} It's not about what exactly you do or how much you spend it's about building memories and trust together.
I also have my own Project List:
Paint mirror
Repaint black table
Paint coop
Extend chicken run
Come up to date on kids' scrapbooks
Make Miss Adventure's dress
Work on school schedule for next year
Then there's one last thing that is SUPER in areas that need it. A few months ago we made a list of house rules. We were all very good at keeping to those rules but just like anything practice makes perfect and we need to re-train (practice) what is expected.
These are our rules at the moment:
1. Obey right away.
* This is one we train for every few months as we can become slack after a while. Children push a little here and there and parents expect less and less little by little.
2. Do not get out of Quiet Time. Do not ask to get out of Quiet Time.
* The children have an hour and a half of Quiet time every day. Miss Adventure sleeps and Little Explorer plays for half and lays down for half. The talking and coming out of Quiet Time was become excessive and less and less Quiet for any of us.
3. No talking while brushing teeth.
* This task should take 5 minutes but with the talking and whining was taking 15 minutes! And leaving mommy and daddy very frustrated and tired.
4. Bed Time: No yelling. No getting out of bed.
* The children share a room so this can get out of hand. Bedtime would start at 8 and take 1 hour to fall asleep.
5. Do not ask for something more than once.
* This drives me crazy plain and simple.
6. No potty talk.
* No explanation need right?
This week I choose #2 and #4 to re-train. Every time they obeyed the rules they got a treat (2 PEZ candies). Every time they disobeyed they missed out on their treat which was a sad sight from Miss Adventure by the way. Starting tomorrow we will move on to another rule. Now that they have been reminded and have had time to practice #2 and #4 they will receive discipline for disobeying. House rules may make some of you cringe but children need to know what is expected of them and each parent needs to know what is expected so one is not a softy and taken for a ride{like my husband...grin}.
Happy Summer!!