Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kindergarten is starting!! Do you remember that feeling of going back to school? The dread. The dissappointment that summer is over. That nervous feeling for new teachers, new schools, new friends. What if my clothes aren't cool enough? What if my hair is not pretty enough? What if I can't find my friends before lunch? I hope my kids never feel that dread or nervousness about school.

Then again there was always excitement too. Buying new clothes, shoes, and backpacks but having to wait to wear them til school started. Excited to be around friends again and see who the cutest boy is that year. I hope my kids have lots of those feelings about school too. To this day I'm giddy over school supplies!

Long story short...we feel that raising our children in the way they should go includes education. Yes. That means we are the weirdos on the block...the homeschoolers.

We feel that education starts at birth but we are starting our first official year of Kindergarten in 2 days. And we are SO excited! I thought I would put our school year out there just in case anyone is browsing for ideas.


I really like this book. It is the closest to the bible I could find. We go through a story each day and discuss what happened in each story and how it applies to our lives. For each story there are 3 questions to ask your child.

We memorize a new bible verse every 2 weeks. This book not only has A-Z bible verses it also has a children's story to give the child a better understanding of the verse they are on.

Unit Study (Themes): 

I will choose half and Little Astronaut will choose half. We will use our home library and the county library for these. Over Starbucks and Juice boxes he told me he wants to learn about...

I will add...
Ocean Life
And lots more...


I didn't want anything fancy, frilly, or distracting.
This book is black and white...simple.
We are using Bob Books also.

Math: We are doing hands on math...using a lot of manipulatives and learning what a number 3 is not what the number 3 looks like on paper. Ruth Beechick is great because she lays out where your child is developmentally and shows you how to teach simply according to that stage.


We will be building up fine motor skills by...mazes, connect the dots, tracing, cutting, and art. I printed up a bunch of  mazes, connect the dots, and tracing sheets online. Eventually we will make it to writing letters but in the mean time I really like Rod and Staff's ABC Series. It is black and white to keep the distractions down, uses pictures of everyday objects, and is SUPER affordable! We will be for sure meshing some of their stuff in our school through out the years.

I used to draw very well. Then I became a little cooler in school and never picked it back up. So I'm excited to be using this book to build our kids love for creating and to reignite mine.

So far our Read Alouds are :

Busy Times (Rod and Staff)
More Busy Times (Rod and Staff)
Climbing Higher (Rod and Staff)
Five True Dog Stories
Dolphin Adventure
Stuart Little
Charlotte's Web
Doctor Dolittle
Mary on Horseback

Little Astronaut will have the pleasure of picking the order we read them {Grin}

I could go back to work and then we could put our children in a very small private school but they still would not get the opportunities they get at pick and choose what they want to learn about, to spend time with people who really love them and have a special interest in their real future not just their test score future. They wouldn't get to dive into the interests God has put in their hearts. And after homework, dinner, baths, and bedtime stories I wouldn't be able to give them that either.

Home education may not be for everyone but I'm sure glad it is for us...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where the heck is Hawk??

Ginger broke into the chicken coop the other day and had Ducky cornered when we walked out there. So the next day I can't find Hawk...

Me: Where is Hawk??...Oh no...Ginger ate would have heard that...oh no...she died from the heat...(walking around the yard) where the heck is she??

Miss Adventure walks outside: Where's Hawk?? (This is her favorite chicken)

Me: Uhm...I don't know sweetie...oh Lord let me find her first...

Finally I check behind the AC unit on the side of the house...

*Gasp!* Is that what I think it is!? It is! An Egg!! Yay Hawk!
One egg?? No way 3 of them...

(No, I don't think this looks like a comfy spot to lay an egg either.)

The kids and I were so excited!! The next day she laid one more so Miss Adventure and I had 'Hawk Eggs' for lunch. Can you tell she thinks this is the coolest thing?

Now let me tell was kindda wierd thinking...I own that bird. I feed it. I watch it walk around my yard.  And now I'm going to eat it's eggs...what if a baby chick is in there?? (impossible btw) I dunno I was just a little freaked out about it. For your information a fresh homegrown egg is hard to break, has firm yolks, and has a deep orange coloring. This was all new to me. 

Mmmm...fresh eggs and turkey was a yummy, satisfying, powerful, homegrown experience {Grin}

Today as we pet her we made sure to say thank you for her eggs...